Deep Cleaning Service For Bad Tenant Evictions

Ontario Tenant Application Form

As a landlord in Ontario, finding the right tenant is crucial to ensuring your property is well-maintained and rent payments are made on time. A tenant application form is an essential tool in this process. It allows you to gather important information about prospective tenants, helping you make informed decisions. This article will discuss the legalities surrounding tenant application forms in Ontario, explain why they are important, outline what should be included in a comprehensive application, and provide a sample application form.

In Ontario, tenant application forms are subject to various laws and regulations, ensuring that the rights of both landlords and tenants are protected. The key legal frameworks include the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA), the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC), and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

  1. Residential Tenancies Act (RTA): The RTA governs the relationship between landlords and tenants in Ontario. It does not provide specific rules about what a tenant application form should include, but it does set the groundwork for fair treatment and transparency throughout the rental process.
  2. Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC): The OHRC prohibits discrimination in housing. Landlords cannot refuse to rent to someone based on race, color, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, or any other protected ground. This means that the questions you ask on a tenant application form must be carefully crafted to avoid any appearance of discrimination.
  3. Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA): PIPEDA regulates how landlords collect, use, and disclose personal information about tenants. Under PIPEDA, landlords must obtain consent from tenants before collecting personal information, and they must ensure that the information is used only for the purposes for which it was collected.

A tenant application form is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Tenant Screening: The form provides essential information that helps landlords assess whether a prospective tenant is financially responsible, has a stable income, and has a history of maintaining good relationships with previous landlords.
  2. Legal Protection: By using a standardized application form, landlords can ensure they collect the necessary information to make informed decisions while complying with Ontario’s legal requirements.
  3. Transparency and Fairness: A thorough application process promotes transparency and fairness, as all prospective tenants are asked the same questions and evaluated based on the same criteria.
  4. Record Keeping: The application form serves as a record of the tenant’s information and the screening process, which can be useful in the event of a dispute.

A comprehensive tenant application form should include several key sections:

  1. Applicant Information: This section collects basic personal information about the tenant, such as their full name, current address, contact information, and date of birth.
  2. Employment and Income Information: Landlords need to assess whether the tenant can afford the rent. This section should ask for the tenant’s current employment details, including the employer’s name, position, length of employment, and monthly income. You may also request additional income sources, such as government benefits or alimony.
  3. Rental History: To evaluate the tenant’s rental history, ask for details of their previous residences over the last few years. Include questions about the previous landlord’s name, contact information, the length of time they lived at each address, and their reason for leaving.
  4. References: Request references from previous landlords or personal references who can vouch for the tenant’s character and reliability.
  5. Consent to Background and Credit Checks: In Ontario, landlords are allowed to conduct background and credit checks on prospective tenants, but only with the tenant’s explicit consent. Include a section in the application form where the tenant agrees to these checks.
  6. Additional Occupants: If the tenant plans to live with others, the form should include space to list the names and ages of all additional occupants.
  7. Other Relevant Information: Include sections for information about pets, vehicles, or any other details relevant to the tenancy.
  8. Declaration and Signature: The form should conclude with a declaration that the information provided is accurate and complete to the best of the tenant’s knowledge. The tenant should sign and date the form to confirm this.

Below is a sample tenant application form. Please note that this is an example and may need to be adapted to meet specific needs or legal advice.

[Landlord’s Name]
[Landlord’s Address]
[Landlord’s Contact Information]


1. Applicant Information

  • Full Name: ________________________________
  • Current Address: ___________________________
  • Phone Number: ____________________________
  • Email Address: ____________________________
  • Date of Birth: _____________________________

2. Employment and Income Information

  • Current Employer: _________________________
  • Position: _________________________________
  • Length of Employment: _____________________
  • Monthly Income: ___________________________
  • Additional Income (if any): ___________________

3. Rental History (Last 3 Years)

  • Current Landlord’s Name: ___________________
  • Landlord’s Phone Number: ___________________
  • Address: __________________________________
  • Duration of Stay: ___________________________
  • Reason for Leaving: _________________________
  • Previous Landlord’s Name: ___________________
  • Landlord’s Phone Number: ___________________
  • Address: __________________________________
  • Duration of Stay: ___________________________
  • Reason for Leaving: _________________________

4. References

  • Reference 1 Name: _________________________
  • Relationship: ______________________________
  • Phone Number: ____________________________
  • Reference 2 Name: _________________________
  • Relationship: ______________________________
  • Phone Number: ____________________________

5. Consent to Background and Credit Checks
I, ___________________________ (Applicant’s Name), consent to the landlord conducting a background check and credit check as part of the tenant application process.

  • Signature: ________________________________
  • Date: ___________________________________

6. Additional Occupants

  • Name(s) of Additional Occupants: ____________________________________________________
  • Age(s): ____________________________________________________________

7. Pet Information

  • Do you have any pets? Yes / No
  • If yes, please specify: ________________________________________________

8. Vehicle Information

  • Do you own a vehicle? Yes / No
  • Make/Model/Year: _________________________________________________

10. Declaration and Signature
I declare that the information provided in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.

  • Applicant’s Signature: ______________________
  • Date: ___________________________________

Notice: This sample application form is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a legal document. Landlords are encouraged to seek legal advice to ensure their tenant application form complies with all relevant laws and regulations.

A tenant application form is an essential tool for landlords in Ontario. It helps gather the necessary information to make informed decisions, ensuring that the right tenant is chosen for the property. By following the legal guidelines and including key sections in the form, landlords can streamline the screening process and protect their investments.

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